Monday, December 11, 2017

The Joy Luck club

Her mother remarks that for her daughter a promise is nothing and it holds no value for any excuse will suffice to annul it. The example used was to come to a family dinner where a headache, traffic, a good movie on TV... would void the previous promise. Meanwhile Lindo suffered greatly to keep her mother's promise. This greatly different interpretation of the value of promises illustrates a radically different view of a concept, the daughter, lacking the environmental background and society could not comprehend why her mother, who had suffered for a promise, became irate at her lax promise keeping.

Coleman and Norris

In 1939 Sutherland developed a theory of criminal behaviour called differential association that suggested like many other actions, crime is a product of learning. (Hopkins Burke, 2001). The differential association theory alleged that criminal behaviour is learnt from interacting with other people. Attitudes, values and beliefs are adopted, as well as the methods of how to actually commit crimes. (Coleman and Norris, 2000). Bandura (1977) supported this notion with his social learning theory and his Bobo doll study.